L’artiste congolais Delcat Idengo a été tué à Goma, au Nord-Kivu, par des présumés combattants du M23, alors qu’il tournait ...
The body of Delphin Katembo Vinywasiki, better known as Delcat Idengo, was found in a street on Thursday with his head partially covered with blood. Unconfirmed reports say the artist was shot.
L’artiste congolais Delcat Idengo a été tué à Goma, au Nord-Kivu, par des présumés combattants du M23, alors qu’il tournait le clip de sa dernière chanson « Nos Armes » (« Bunduki za Kwetu », en ...
Delcat Idengo, well-known for his critical songs, died after releasing a track condemning the city's rebel occupation.
L’artiste musicien engagé, Delcat Idengo, aurait été abattu par balles, ce jeudi 13 février 2025, dans la périphérie de Goma, chef-lieu de la province du Nord-Kivu, occupé depuis plus de deux semaines ...
The body of Delphin Katembo Vinywasiki, better known as Delcat Idengo, was found in a street on Thursday with his head partially covered with blood. Idengo, famous for his songs critical of both ...
Kinshasa, 13 février 2025 (RDC).- Le musicien révolutionnaire congolais Delcat Idengo, populaire dans l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), a été froidement abattu jeudi, vers Kilidjiwe, ...
Delcat Idengo's music, termed revolutionary by fans, was critical of both the Congolese government and rebel groups A popular Congalese musician has been killed while filming a music video in Goma ...
The body of Delphin Katembo Vinywasiki, better known as Delcat Idengo, was found in a street on Thursday with his head partially covered with blood. Unconfirmed reports say the artist was shot.