Higher rates of illness and premature death among the homeless population have been widely recognized. The City is committed to identifying and responding in a timely manner to new and emerging issues ...
The City of Toronto will raise the Toronto FC flag at Toronto City Hall to celebrate the soccer team’s highly-anticipated home opener as the Reds prepare to take the pitch against the Chicago Fire on ...
Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto-Danforth) will be joining Toronto Fire Chief Jim Jessop to welcome the newest group of firefighters to the City of Toronto at a graduation ceremony tomorrow. Date: ...
If you are planning to temporarily close the street fully or partially to occupy a curblane, sidewalk or boulevard for a race, run, walk or festival, you must apply for a Street Closure Permit. Please ...
The City of Toronto’s ferry service is one of the busiest in Canada, and staff continue to modernize and enhance this vital service that propels tourism, supports vibrancy along the downtown ...
Measles is a highly contagious virus that spreads through the air when an infected person breathes, coughs, sneezes or talks. The virus can stay in the air or on surfaces for up to two hours. People ...
Sidewalk cafés, formerly known as boulevard cafés, are outdoor eating areas located on sidewalks where food or drinks is served to the public by a licensed eating or drinking establishment. Some ...
Dr. Dianne Saxe is one of Canada’s most respected environmental and energy lawyers, with decades of experience as a non-partisan expert and advocate for municipalities, businesses, non-profits and ...
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive beetle, not native to North America, that attacks and kills all species of true ash trees (Fraxinus sp.). It has been present in Toronto since 2007 and has ...
Register for upcoming consultations using the Upcoming Events table below. For instructions on how to participate in public consultations using the online tool WebEx, please visit Participate in City ...
Today, Mayor Olivia Chow and City Manager Paul Johnson will hold a media availability regarding the City of Toronto’s tentative agreement with Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 79. Date: ...
A certified plan for Laneway and Garden Suites, including those constructed using modular modes of construction. Please note that a certified plan does not constitute a building permit. A building ...