Manchester City Council has extended its landlord licensing scheme to the owners and agents of 1,863 more flats and houses.
Principality Building Society will lower select residential mortgage rates by up to 0.15%, including joint borrower sole ...
Specialist lender West One Loans has made its fast-track legal service available free of charge to remortgage customers.
Buy-to-let (BTL) mortgage choice has reached a record high after the number of landlord deals rose to 3,560 in February.
Marsden Building Society has updated its residential mortgage criteria, with changes for professional sports players and ...
Average rental yields for landlords reached 6.93% in Q4 last year, the highest level since March 2011, figures show.
Around 25,000 first-time buyers could miss the upcoming stamp duty deadline on 31 March and will complete in April, research suggests.
Loughborough Building Society has increased the maximum loan to value (LTV) for 5.5 times borrowing from 85% LTV to 95%.
Bank of Ireland completed £2.4bn in gross mortgage lending in the UK market, up from a total of £1.7bn in 2023.
Bridging loan books has surpassed £10bn for the first time fuelled by rises in applications, completions and loan book values ...
Glenhawk is extending its promotion which gives brokers the chance to earn an additional 20bps on the proc fee.
Barclays UK has appointed Jatin Patel to its executive team to lead its mortgages, savings and insurance propositions.