Fountain Hills' own newspaper, the source for daily news, sports, opinion, and entertainment in Fountain Hills, Arizona.
Residents and staff joined together at Magnolia Court to celebrate the vibrant Jewish festival of Purim, in partnership with ...
Amanda Grace shared profound insights into the spiritual significance of the Purim blood moons and their connection to the destiny of America.
Masks and costumes are about hiding identity. And at its roots, Purim is the story of identity, when to hide who we are, and ...
Jewish ultra-Orthodox men and children, some wearing costumes, read the Book of Esther, which tells the story of the Jewish ...
Jewish communities worldwide celebrated Purim, a joyous holiday that includes dressing up in costume, giving charity, and ...
From Queen Esther to the power ballads of the 80s, one truth rings clear: the journey to our true selves is a dance of courage. Face your fears, integrate your shadows, and find a meaning that ...
Absolute evil was ultimately thrown into the trash heap of history. And in Goebbels’ mansion? Hundreds of Jewish American ...