A Belton, Missouri, couple is accused of running a multi-state theft ring targeting Menards stores, stealing over $24,000 worth of electronic pet collars.
The state issued 194,486 Clean Air Vehicle exemptions in 2024, up 52 percent from 2023, but prospects of extending the ...
There is very little data to suggest that annual inspection mandates keep roads safe or the environment clean.
One-point-three million Pennsylvania voters are not registered with major political parties, so they can’t vote in primaries.
A legislator from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was evicted from the Gujarat legislative assembly on Tuesday after he arrived wearing a t-shirt with a sticker against land survey and refused to remove it.
The Oklahoma State men's basketball team will provide free tickets to first responders for its NIT game Tuesday night at ...
Federal laws govern interstates, and one law allows states to give access to certain single-occupant vehicles. That's what ...
Six cubic inches comes out to be a little less than half a cup of gas. Reports show some pumps are giving up to two whole ...
Economists say the sharp decline in wholesale egg prices is a positive sign, with some anticipating lower prices at grocery ...
The writer once asked a reporter to take our not-so-new vehicle to different state inspection stations to obtain a new sticker. Several passed it; an equal number failed it. (The ...
A study offers evidence that promoting voting in the future tense rather than the past tense -- "I Will Vote" rather than "I Voted" -- has a greater effect on citizens' intentions to vote.
The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Marine Division is conducting watercraft dry dock safety inspections this weekend. Boat owners who pass inspection will get their 2025 Oregon State Marine Board ...