The 20 greatest British rock bands of all time: from The Beatles to Arctic Monkeys - While rock and roll may seem to be ...
There are many classic Irish rock bands that are important to know, but here are five modern alt-rock bands who are changing the game.
Researchers working in Marbella have uncovered a gabbro rock carving of manmade lines that could date to 200,000 years ago.
Before we get underway with this week’s new selection of rock tunes, congratulations are in order for last week’s victors ...
Modern thrash is a alive and well, and Warbringer frontman John Kevill credits four bands for helping set the tone for today's thrash.
In the latest instalment of our Doctor's Orders interview series, French-Moroccan outfit Bab L'Bluz guide us through their ...
Stephanie Rado Taormina of Wyomissing, a multimedia artist, designer and entrepreneur, is set to unveil her first solo art show in Berks County next Sunday from 2-5 p.m. in the Holleran Gallery at the ...
Musicians, artists, and bands switch genres all the time. There’s nothing wrong with it, provided the music is still good.
Iowa's state and county parks, unique museums, natural attractions, historical sites, and rolling hills along the Mississippi ...
A memorable and creative genre which emerged towards the late 1990s, Nu metal, blended the best bits of industrial, hip hop, and metal music. And, completely in line with this genre’s defiant spirit, ...
The Who songwriter Pete Townshend always boasted an expansive music taste, and his early interest in jazz left him feeling more than a little inadequate.
At a funeral in rural Taiwan, musicians wearing pleated mini-skirts and go-go boots march around a coffin to the beat of the ...