Former NYPD officer has flown a version of the 'thin blue line' flag for a decade. Now the HOA is demanding it be removed.
After being injured during combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, Chris Peskuski returned to civilian life damaged both physically and emotionally. Even before deciding to leave the U.S. Marine Corps ...
A remarkable cooperation and synergy among shark fishers, marine scientists and management ... national coordinator of the group’s Belize program, reported that fishers are observing a ...
Addressing the enforcement of ... is part of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Governance Expanded Network for Innovation and Education (GENIE), with La Trobe Asia and the Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific ...
Task Force Model gives local law enforcement officers the power to stop people and ask for their papers during routine police ...
A growing number of New Hampshire law enforcement agencies have been approved to join a federal program that deputizes local officers to carry out federal immigration enforcement, including ...
The program trains and deputizes local law enforcement to carry out some ICE functions within prisons and jails. “These types of operations are going to be happening around the country ...
ICE's 287(g) program this month attracted participation from Juno Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Town of Palm Beach, Tequesta, ...
The program — known as the 287 (g) task force model — is described as a “force multiplier” for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. So far, more than 100 law enforcement agencies in Florida are ...
Agencies across the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast have agreed to participate in a program that allows law enforcement to assist the federal government in immigration enforcement.