The City of El Paso has launched a new and improved EP311 reporting website where residents can report concerns, request ...
The western city has elevated its IT director, an 18-year staffer, within management. Officials have also named an interim ...
Mayor Renard Johnson and the El Paso City Council will be on hand for the state-of-the-city event to discuss what's in store over the next four years.
The first direct potable reuse plant in the world opened in 1968 in Namibia, southern Africa’s driest country. The New ...
Statewide and in the Pikes Peak region, all federal funds received through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 were ...
Hours before the Texas Legislature reaches its March 14 deadline to file any bills for the 89th legislative session, ...
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is temporarily withholding payments to governments and organizations that assist ...
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4 ... Contreras has experience in city and federal government and has worked on key policy areas such as education, healthcare, public safety, and community engagement.
(Credit: Courtesy of El Paso Water) This desert city gets less than nine inches ... potable reuse during a severe drought. The federal government relies on states to regulate direct potable ...