Credit: Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo At the height of AC/DC’s Australian success in the mid-70s, before they’d cracked it in Britain, let alone America, Bon Scott was already a star ...
Other local entertainment announcements include a "Bach's Lunch Series" to celebrate the composer's birthday, starting March 7.
AC/DC is one of the greatest bands of all-time, but a conspiracy theory has followed them since 1980, and singer Brian ...
Fresh from performing at an international AC/DC festival in Scotland last weekend, the Midwest's premier AC/DC Tribute band — Bonfire — gives a homecoming performance on Saturday at Hobart Art Theater ...
FM 1151. Tickets are on sale now. Noise Pollution "delivers an amazing replication of the AC/DC concert experience from both the Bon Scott and Brian Johnson periods. What sets them apart is their ...
On this day (February 19) in 1980, the rock and roll world lost a legend when AC/DC vocalist Bon Scott (born Ronald Belford Scott) died at the age of 33. Scott is hailed as one of the greatest ...
Bon Scott was dead and it looked like AC/DC were finished. But within 6 weeks they had a new singer and would begin recording the biggest-selling rock album of all time. How a washed-up rock star ...
We all know AC/DC as being one of the greatest hard rock bands on the planet, but many a label have tried to push them in other directions.
By the end of the 1970s, AC/DC were already one of the world's biggest hard rock bands, but their record label, Atlantic, wanted them to be bigger.
Advertisers never cease to amaze. I never expected to hear these songs in commercials but we live in a strange time.