John Oberst, head of Alaska Aerospace, went on the "Today" show to discuss what is being described as a “traffic jam” at the ...
Bills to make unpermitted protests felonies were introduced last year but never advanced to final votes in either the state ...
Among the most visible signs of Alaska’s shrinking population: several school districts are considering school closures.
It’s possible the current administration could completely remove the Roadless Rule in short order and begin fielding ...
Fairbanks, says the name Denali is “deeply ingrained in the state’s culture and identity” and urges Trump to maintain Denali ...
A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck about 58 miles southwest of Unalaska Sunday afternoon. Many locals felt the event, ...
Sitka, introduced House Bill 69, which would boost per-student state funding by about $2,500 over three years.
A variety of private donors supplied money for the purchase, the museum and city of Nenana said in their statement.
This is Lingít Word of the Week. Each week, we feature a Lingít word voiced by master speakers. Lingít has been spoken ...
The icebreaker's new home — based on the findings of the Coast Guard’s urgently completed port study — will be Alaska’s ...
The projects aim to decrease emissions, lower energy costs and support local infrastructure in rural communities.
Studying the shape of Suicide Basin and how it changes could give researchers a better sense of how much water could be ...