Type 1 diabetes was associated with less myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, stroke, and limb ischemia than type 2.
The FDA has expanded the approval of Odactra to include treatment of house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis in pediatric patients aged 5 to 11 years.
Among adolescents, self-perception of overweight status may be more linked to suicidal ideation than actual weight.
Melatonin supplementation was linked to borderline significant increase in an indicator of oxidative DNA damage repair capacity.
Allergen Powder-dnfp] is now available for the treatment of pediatric patients aged 1 to 3 years with peanut allergy.
Continuous glucose monitoring-estimated fasting and postprandial glucose concentrations were significantly higher than capillary sampling.
Natural killer cell deficiency should be considered in patients susceptible to herpes or papilloma viruses with persistently decreased NK cell function.
Cancer patients who sought a virtual second opinion received a recommendation for a treatment change more than half the time, researchers found.
The CDC has issued interim effectiveness estimates for the 2024-2025 seasonal influenza and 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines.
Dupilumab added to standard COPD triple therapy reduces the annual rate of moderate exacerbations but not severe exacerbations.
Sleep apnea with no or late use of CPAP was associated with increased risk of Parkinson disease, while early use of CPAP reduced risk.
The death of an unvaccinated adult marks the second fatality in the growing outbreak, following the death of an unvaccinated child.