President Trump has invigorated a faction in the House of Delegates to be more disruptive, more energized — and more online — ...
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore is no fan of President Donald Trump’s plan to build the new FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C ., ...
Maryland Democrats have asked the State Board of Elections to sanction what they are calling a “shadowy” and illegal campaign ...
Gov. Wes Moore signed three memoranda of understanding between Maryland and state union leaders that pledge to raise wages ...
Maryland lawmakers are moving forward with a business tax despite an avalanche of opposition as Gov. Wes Moore stays silent.
Maryland's House of Delegates voted along party lines to change parts of Gov. Wes Moore's plan for the Blueprint for Maryland ...
Legislative action overlaps with recommendations from an outside evaluator hired by Gov. Wes Moore to audit the state’s ...
Kevin Igoe was chief of staff of the Maryland Department of Budget and Management from 2015-2023. He has worked on Capitol ...
Gov. Wes Moore plans to change how Marylanders take deductions on their state income taxes, but officials in some of the ...
Wes Moore acknowledged that Maryland’s economy has been mired in stagnation and that our great state is hemorrhaging people ...
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore released his FY2026 supplemental budget, which includes $9 million to address a surge in unemployment ...
Gov. Wes Moore signed new contract agreements with three Maryland labor unions that impact law enforcement and firefighters.