With some more strategy and his strength, Emmett would have been a fighting machine in Twilight. Jacob started showing signs of being an incredibly strong young man in New Moon, soon after which ...
New Moon saw Edward leaving Bella after ... the Series The love triangle between Edward, Bella, and Jacob was the highlight of The Twilight Saga, and everything hinged on Bella's decision.
The Twilight franchise famously helped make Forks, Washington a popular tourist destination, but were any of the films ...
Whether they're running errands, lugging their books or grocery shopping, this "Twilight Lover" tote bag has several nods to the franchise from the book art to Edward's Ray-Bans to Jacob's iconic ...
Whether you're Team Edward, Team Jacob or could never choose between ... a box set that includes the original four Twilight books, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, as well as Meyer ...
Team Jacob debate. This year marks the 20th anniversary ... Collection includes all four of the original books—Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn—along with Midnight Sun, which ...